Post by Grant TaylorPost by Harry PotterBy "VGA wallpaper" I mean wallpaper for the 640x480x16-color screen.
Hum. I thought one of VGA's claims to fame was more than 16 colors,
namely 256 colors. I think the VGA specification also calls for more
than 640x480 resolution.
Well, here are the stock VGA modes. Gack, view with a monospaced
Mode Type Format Cell Colors Adapter
___ _______ _______ ____ _____________ _______
0 text 40x25 8x8 16/8 composite CGA,EGA+
1 text 40x25 8x8 16/8 CGA,EGA+
2 text 80x25 8x8 16/8 composite CGA,EGA+
3 text 80x25 8x8 16/8 CGA,EGA+
4 graphic 320x200 8x8 4 CGA,EGA+
5 graphic 320x200 8x8 4 composite CGA,EGA+
6 graphic 640x200 8x8 2 CGA,EGA+
7 text 80x25 9x14 3 (b/w/bold) MDA,EGA+
8,9,0AH PCjr modes
0BH,0CH reserved by EGA BIOS
0DH graphic 320x200 8x8 16 EGA,VGA
0EH graphic 640x200 8x8 16 EGA,VGA
0FH graphic 640x350 8x14 3 (b/w/bold) EGA,VGA
10H graphic 640x350 8x14 4 or 16 EGA,VGA
11H graphic 640x480 8x16 2 VGA
12H graphic 640x480 8x16 16 VGA
13H graphic 320x200 8x8 256 VGA
Character cell size can vary on some of the VGA
modes and mode 7 on some other displays.
Steve N.